Throughout the course of a woman’s pregnancy, her obstetricians and other health care providers should make time to discuss prenatal screening options. Prenatal screening can help detect birth defects, congenital illnesses and many other important fetal conditions. Furthermore, in some circumstances, failure to conduct adequate prenatal screenings can be grounds for a medical liability lawsuit.
When it comes to prenatal testing, the type – and degree of invasiveness – of a procedure may make a difference. Consider the following:
Failure to diagnose genetic defects or abnormalities may be considered a form of prenatal negligence by a physician or other practitioner, depending on the circumstances. Other types of inadequate prenatal care include failing to diagnose or treat gestational diabetes, failing to detect and respond to fetal distress and failing to prevent premature birth due to avoidable complications.
If medical negligence resulted in your child’s birth injury or other condition, you may be entitled to compensation for the related physical, financial and emotional damages. Contact an attorney at Jeffrey M. Goldberg Law Offices for legal guidance and to learn more about filing a malpractice lawsuit in Chicago, Illinois.